DME Products

Durable medical equipment that is both affordable and of exceptional quality is something our agency can offer to the physically and health challenged members of the community. We know how much of a struggle it is to ensure the safety and comfort of your sick and disabled loved ones at home. When you go off to work, you constantly have to think about how well they’re doing or if they could possibly be placed in harm’s way any time during the day. These potentially dangerous situations aren’t going to allow you to get any work done, and worse, have the possibility of actually happening because of the physically weakened state your loved ones in.

We offer DME products such as:

safety aids

  • Ambulatory aids
  • Room equipment
  • Safety aids

Aside from the quality care services we offer, we also make sure to provide affordable and essential medical equipment that allows your loved ones to deal with the symptoms of their chronic illnesses and the effects of their disabilities at home. You can definitely trust MediSolutions to supply top quality products at all times! For questions and inquiries, you may give us a call at 336-329-9060 or send a message to

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